Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) Episode 32 (Season 2 Episode 8) – Analysis + Important Details

The episode leads with Maomao being assigned to the storage shed as punishment for scaring Yinghua with the salamander tail she caught. It flashes back to a hilarious sequence of Yinghua, after regaining consciousness, saying that one day Lady Hongniang will force Maomao to move into a storage shed if she keeps misbehaving. Of course, Maomao absolutely loves the idea since the storage shed is bigger than her room and allows for her to make noise at night since she’ll be far away from everyone else’s rooms, and she decides that they must hurry back. It then flashes forward to later in the evening when she has redecorated the entire shed, and when we’re back to the present, Maomao wholeheartedly thanks Hongniang, and it was really amusing seeing Maomao’s enthusiasm for her new lodgings.

Later when all the Jade Pavilion ladies-in-waiting aside from Hongniang are together, the others think Yinghua told on Maomao, but Yinghua reveals it was Maomao who approached Hongniang to her transfer to the shed approved. Yinghua then tells Maomao to stop collecting insects, and Maomao swears she’s not doing that with her thinking to herself that it must be Shisui since she’s the only who would collect insects while laughing with glee. Maomao decides it’s a serious issue if she’s being confused for someone else, so she sets out to ask Xiaolan where Shisui is with her replying she can be a bit of a phantom. Xiaolan then approaches some other laundry workers in the area, and they’re hesitant to give out info, especially after seeing Maomao, with Maomao rationalizing that they’re wary of her for serving directly under a concubine, and so she dangles the handkerchief Jinshi gave her in Episode 30 as a gift for reliable information since most of the girls are obsessed with Jinshi, learning that Shisui is usually out in the thicket on the north side, which is where she ran into her last time as well.

Out in the thicket, Maomao thinks she should have brought mosquito repellant since she’s getting bitten, and then she sees some white blossoms. When she was little, she used to collect their seeds with the courtesans to make an abortion drug, and that’s how Maomao came to know what she did in Episode 30. She thought that it wouldn’t be out of place for Shin to avoid perfume since it can cause miscarriages, but she wore it anywhere to hide the fact that she was making an abortion drug, which led to Maomao correctly reasoning that Concubine Lihua is also pregnant. The abortion drug the courtesans she went out with made with in the past also included ingredients such as lantern plant, peony, balsam, and mercury, all of which, aside from mercury, could be found in the rear palace, which demonstrated that Shin had no knowledge of medicine, and that’s why she bought the items from the caravan, showing that someone specifically taught her how to make that particular poison, and Maomao concludes that that person is probably still here in the rear palace, which I reckon is a good conclusion to come towards.

Shisui then makes an appearance as she appeared to be scrambling all around to collect a species of a small black insect, which made Maomao insulted that she got confused with her, and then Shisui sees that same insect on the top of Maomao’s head, attempting to catch it but instead getting insect guts on Maomao’s head, which needed them to head back to civilization to wash out Maomao’s hair. Maomao asked them if that was the type of insect she was hunting today, and Shisui started spazzing out about that species, leading to Maomao wishing she hadn’t asked that. They then get a glimpse of the current Empress Dowager, and Shisui wonders if she’s headed towards the clinic that was a focus of the Episodes 29 and 30. Shisui shared that the Empress Dowager was the one who founded that clinic back when the previous Empress was around, so that’s why it wasn’t made the official medical office. Shisui also shared that the Empress Dowager was the reason they eventually banned slaves and the surgery for making eunuchs. Maomao believes that banning slaves was a good idea from a humanitarian perspective, and draw parallel between slaves and courtesans, who sell their bodies to make money although it’s legal and considered employment. She thought although slavery is officially banned, it still exists under a different name. Maomao then wonders whether the Empress Dowager is visiting due to what happened at the Crystal Pavilion the other day and reasons if she’s on the case that there might be a big reform in the medical system coming to the rear palace, and if that’s the case, Maomao indicates she’d love to listen in, but the thought of the other ladies-in-waiting’s angry faces led to her deciding to head back to the Jade Pavilion after Shisui asked if she wanted to check in on what’s happening. If the Empress Dowager has a big influence on the current Emperor and Jinshi, that was probably the reason Jinshi started a school for servant girls since they’re working towards making that clinic the official medical office with some reforms.

Back at the Jade Pavilion, Lady Hongniang is making the others work really hard, leading to Maomao wonder if someone is coming to visit. With all of them present, Lady Gyokuyou tjan greets the Empress Dowager, Lady Anshi, and Maomao notes that Anshi knows that Gyokuyou is pregant, so she must be trustworthy. Maomao notes that the dynamic between Anshi and Gyokuyou is more akin to two friends a few years apart rather than that of a wife and a mother-in-law. Anshi addresses Maomao directly and indicates she knows of Maomao ’cause Suiren, Jinshi’s lady-in-waiting, had said a girl worth training had gone back to the rear palace and that Suiren herself used to be her lady-in-waiting. Anshi then gives Gyokuyou a look, and the latter immediately got the hint to remove herself from Anshi’s presence so that Anshi could speak with Maomao in private. Anshi says she hears Maomao goes around solving problems with Maomao replying that she solves them using the limited pool of knowledge she has since what she knows is far less than that of Luomen ’cause she’s the type to manage the expectations on her. Anshi is fine with that answer and says she wants Maomao to do her best to look into something for her with her uttering whether she might’ve cursed the previous Emperor, and that explains why the first shot of the episode had Anshi looking intently at a room as it’s obvious she wants something to be done and over with.

Later, Maomao remarks that she’s only heard people speak poorly of the previous emperor, such as through the terms, “foolish Emperor”, “idiot ruler”, and “puppet of the empress” with the most notorious one in the rear palace being “pedophile”. The previous Emperor specifically chose the youngest girls available, so that’s why the current Empress Dowager has a scar on her stomach as she wasn’t mature yet, meaning they had to perform a C-section on her. The eunuch who helped with that surgery was Luomen, Maomao’s adopted father, so it’s a small world out there. Thanks to those sacrifices, the current Emperor grew up strong and healthy, and the Empress Dowager allegedly gave birth to a brother who is supposedly one year older than Maomao is when she was 30 years old, meaning she was no longer very young, which didn’t suit the pedophile emperor’s tastes at all, making Maomao question whether the imperial brother really is the Emperor’s brother, a callback to Maomao’s previous theory about there being a baby swap. Maomao then immediately squashed that line of thinking with the thought that if she were to say that out loud she’d be beheaded. I can’t fault Maomao’s reasoning there given the previous emperor’s penchant for young girls that it doesn’t make sense for her to bear him another son at the age of 30 for no reason.

Anshi then invited the four high-ranking concubines to a tea party. Maomao said that Lady Gyokuyou was getting sleepy often, which is a sign of pregnancy. Yinghua questions why they’re meeting in the inner court since they usually stick to the rear palace, especially since Lady Anshi knows that Gyokuyou is pregnant. They have no idea what the other concubines will think. Maomao thinks Gyokukou’s pregnancy is an open secret, but there could be a more direct probe about it during a face-to-face tea party. She reasons that Lihua wouldn’t be the one to do such a thing since she is pregnant herself and a proud woman who wouldn’t do that to others. Lishu might speak up if some of her ladies-in-waiting urged her to, but her head lady-in-waiting, the former taster, likely won’t step out of line due to what happened in the past and since she’s more professional than the others. And that leaves Concubine Loulan as the one to stir up trouble with Maomao remarking Loulan is strangely free of rumours aside from the one about her flashy fashion, which I believe is a ruse that allows Loulan to live a double life that Maomao hasn’t caught onto yet.

Hongniang then requests to speak with Maomao alone, sharing that she, not Maomao, will be the taster, which Maomao reasons is to show their trust in Anshi by not using a separate taster. Hongniang then says the Empress Dowager would like Maomao’s help with something, which Anshi did bring up initially earlier in the episode, and we find out now that she wants to speak with Maomao elsewhere, so this tea party is a pretext to meet with Maomao regarding the request she made of her. Hongniang then scares the bejeebers out of Maomao with a wall slam, warning her not to betray Lady Gyokuyou ’cause she wants to maintain a good relationship with Maomao, most likely ’cause she’s starting to become famous for her deductive reasoning skills. Hongniang is the head lady-in-waiting for Gyokuyou for good reason given her incredibly loyalty to her.

Maomao then rushes over outside to a lady-in-waiting of Anshi’s, who notes that this place currently served the function of the rear palace before it was built, and Maomao noted that the cleaning of the place was impeccable. The lady-in-waiting stops them at a room where nobody, not even the cleaners, are allowed to enter. It was during the time of the current Emperor’s grandfather that a court lady who became a low-ranking concubine lived here, and she was the empress at the time. The late emperor was also raised here, and it was where he passed away. After moving to a different room, it was then revealed to Maomao that during the final years of the late emperor and his mother, the acting empress, spent a ton of time in that room, as if clinging to their memories together. The late Emperor, perhaps due to his weakened spirit, drew his last breath in that room shortly after the empress died as if he was chasing after her. After a bit of prodding from Maomao, the lady-in-waiting revealed that the late Emperor was old enough to be described as dying a natural death, and she revealed that she tried to talk down the talk about a curse, but Anshi insisted she was the cause of his death due to how she wished for his death nearly every night. The true reason Anshi can’t shake the belief that she was the reason the late emperor died was that after his body was placed in a mausoleum for a year, which is the custom, his body was in nearly identical condition without significant decay in contrast to the empress, whose body was in a horrible state. Maomao noted in her mind that it is indeed unusual since every corpse should rot, death being the equalizer for all people, no matter one’s status. The lady-in-waiting then tells Maomao that the mausoleum will be torn down soon, so Anshi wants her to investigate it before that happens, and the episode ends with Maomao having one request to make before she starts her investigation, and knowing Maomao it’s likely that the request is something that will aid in her investigation.

I’m curious about what the exact nature of the request is, but that should be revealed soon. I know Maomao obviously doesn’t believe in curses, and her knowledge of medicine and biology should be useful in getting down to the bottom of this, so it’ll be interesting to see just how entertaining the next episode will be.

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